pub const CFG_TL_BLE_EVT_QUEUE_LENGTH: usize = 5;
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Queue length of BLE Event This parameter defines the number of asynchronous events that can be stored in the HCI layer before being reported to the application. When a command is sent to the BLE core coprocessor, the HCI layer is waiting for the event with the Num_HCI_Command_Packets set to 1. The receive queue shall be large enough to store all asynchronous events received in between. When CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE is set to 27, this allow to store three 255 bytes long asynchronous events between the HCI command and its event. This parameter depends on the value given to CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE. When the queue size is too small, the system may hang if the queue is full with asynchronous events and the HCI layer is still waiting for a CC/CS event, In that case, the notification TL_BLE_HCI_ToNot() is called to indicate to the application a HCI command did not receive its command event within 30s (Default HCI Timeout).