





Crate rp_pac

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This is a Peripheral Access Crate for Raspberry Pi Silicon microcontrollers.

This crate has been automatically generated from the SVD files in pico-sdk, using chiptool. Fixes are added to the SVD file to make the crate more amenable to writing HALs with, such as converting sets of identical registers/fields to arrays, merging identical registers and enums, etc.

This crate is used for the embassy-rp Rust Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for the RPxxx microcontrollers.

§Supported chips


The contents of this crate are auto-generated and licensed under the same terms as the underlying SVD file, which is licensed by Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd under a BSD-3-Clause licence.




  • Control and data interface to SAR ADC
  • Register block for busfabric control signals and performance counters
  • DMA with separate read and write masters
  • DW_apb_i2c address block List of configuration constants for the Synopsys I2C hardware (you may see references to these in I2C register header; these are fixed values, set at hardware design time): IC_ULTRA_FAST_MODE ……………. 0x0 IC_UFM_TBUF_CNT_DEFAULT ……….. 0x8 IC_UFM_SCL_LOW_COUNT ………….. 0x0008 IC_UFM_SCL_HIGH_COUNT …………. 0x0006 IC_TX_TL …………………….. 0x0 IC_TX_CMD_BLOCK ………………. 0x1 IC_HAS_DMA …………………… 0x1 IC_HAS_ASYNC_FIFO …………….. 0x0 IC_SMBUS_ARP …………………. 0x0 IC_FIRST_DATA_BYTE_STATUS ……… 0x1 IC_INTR_IO …………………… 0x1 IC_MASTER_MODE ……………….. 0x1 IC_DEFAULT_ACK_GENERAL_CALL ……. 0x1 IC_INTR_POL ………………….. 0x1 IC_OPTIONAL_SAR ………………. 0x0 IC_DEFAULT_TAR_SLAVE_ADDR ……… 0x055 IC_DEFAULT_SLAVE_ADDR …………. 0x055 IC_DEFAULT_HS_SPKLEN ………….. 0x1 IC_FS_SCL_HIGH_COUNT ………….. 0x0006 IC_HS_SCL_LOW_COUNT …………… 0x0008 IC_DEVICE_ID_VALUE ……………. 0x0 IC_10BITADDR_MASTER …………… 0x0 IC_CLK_FREQ_OPTIMIZATION ………. 0x0 IC_DEFAULT_FS_SPKLEN ………….. 0x7 IC_ADD_ENCODED_PARAMS …………. 0x0 IC_DEFAULT_SDA_HOLD …………… 0x000001 IC_DEFAULT_SDA_SETUP ………….. 0x64 IC_AVOID_RX_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_TX_ABRT . 0x0 IC_CLOCK_PERIOD ………………. 100 IC_EMPTYFIFO_HOLD_MASTER_EN ……. 1 IC_RESTART_EN ………………… 0x1 IC_TX_CMD_BLOCK_DEFAULT ……….. 0x0 IC_BUS_CLEAR_FEATURE ………….. 0x0 IC_CAP_LOADING ……………….. 100 IC_FS_SCL_LOW_COUNT …………… 0x000d APB_DATA_WIDTH ……………….. 32 IC_SDA_STUCK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT …… 0xffffffff IC_SLV_DATA_NACK_ONLY …………. 0x1 IC_10BITADDR_SLAVE ……………. 0x0 IC_CLK_TYPE ………………….. 0x0 IC_SMBUS_UDID_MSB …………….. 0x0 IC_SMBUS_SUSPEND_ALERT ………… 0x0 IC_HS_SCL_HIGH_COUNT ………….. 0x0006 IC_SLV_RESTART_DET_EN …………. 0x1 IC_SMBUS …………………….. 0x0 IC_OPTIONAL_SAR_DEFAULT ……….. 0x0 IC_PERSISTANT_SLV_ADDR_DEFAULT …. 0x0 IC_USE_COUNTS ………………… 0x0 IC_RX_BUFFER_DEPTH ……………. 16 IC_SCL_STUCK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT …… 0xffffffff IC_RX_FULL_HLD_BUS_EN …………. 0x1 IC_SLAVE_DISABLE ……………… 0x1 IC_RX_TL …………………….. 0x0 IC_DEVICE_ID …………………. 0x0 IC_HC_COUNT_VALUES ……………. 0x0 I2C_DYNAMIC_TAR_UPDATE ………… 0 IC_SMBUS_CLK_LOW_MEXT_DEFAULT ….. 0xffffffff IC_SMBUS_CLK_LOW_SEXT_DEFAULT ….. 0xffffffff IC_HS_MASTER_CODE …………….. 0x1 IC_SMBUS_RST_IDLE_CNT_DEFAULT ….. 0xffff IC_SMBUS_UDID_LSB_DEFAULT ……… 0xffffffff IC_SS_SCL_HIGH_COUNT ………….. 0x0028 IC_SS_SCL_LOW_COUNT …………… 0x002f IC_MAX_SPEED_MODE …………….. 0x2 IC_STAT_FOR_CLK_STRETCH ……….. 0x0 IC_STOP_DET_IF_MASTER_ACTIVE …… 0x0 IC_DEFAULT_UFM_SPKLEN …………. 0x1 IC_TX_BUFFER_DEPTH ……………. 16
  • Programmable IO block
  • Simple PWM
  • Register block to control RTC
  • Single-cycle IO block Provides core-local and inter-core hardware for the two processors, with single-cycle access.
  • DW_apb_ssi has the following features: * APB interface – Allows for easy integration into a DesignWare Synthesizable Components for AMBA 2 implementation. * APB3 and APB4 protocol support. * Scalable APB data bus width – Supports APB data bus widths of 8, 16, and 32 bits. * Serial-master or serial-slave operation – Enables serial communication with serial-master or serial-slave peripheral devices. * Programmable Dual/Quad/Octal SPI support in Master Mode. * Dual Data Rate (DDR) and Read Data Strobe (RDS) Support - Enables the DW_apb_ssi master to perform operations with the device in DDR and RDS modes when working in Dual/Quad/Octal mode of operation. * Data Mask Support - Enables the DW_apb_ssi to selectively update the bytes in the device. This feature is applicable only in enhanced SPI modes. * eXecute-In-Place (XIP) support - Enables the DW_apb_ssi master to behave as a memory mapped I/O and fetches the data from the device based on the APB read request. This feature is applicable only in enhanced SPI modes. * DMA Controller Interface – Enables the DW_apb_ssi to interface to a DMA controller over the bus using a handshaking interface for transfer requests. * Independent masking of interrupts – Master collision, transmit FIFO overflow, transmit FIFO empty, receive FIFO full, receive FIFO underflow, and receive FIFO overflow interrupts can all be masked independently. * Multi-master contention detection – Informs the processor of multiple serial-master accesses on the serial bus. * Bypass of meta-stability flip-flops for synchronous clocks – When the APB clock (pclk) and the DW_apb_ssi serial clock (ssi_clk) are synchronous, meta-stable flip-flops are not used when transferring control signals across these clock domains. * Programmable delay on the sample time of the received serial data bit (rxd); enables programmable control of routing delays resulting in higher serial data-bit rates. * Programmable features: - Serial interface operation – Choice of Motorola SPI, Texas Instruments Synchronous Serial Protocol or National Semiconductor Microwire. - Clock bit-rate – Dynamic control of the serial bit rate of the data transfer; used in only serial-master mode of operation. - Data Item size (4 to 32 bits) – Item size of each data transfer under the control of the programmer. * Configured features: - FIFO depth – 16 words deep. The FIFO width is fixed at 32 bits. - 1 slave select output. - Hardware slave-select – Dedicated hardware slave-select line. - Combined interrupt line - one combined interrupt line from the DW_apb_ssi to the interrupt controller. - Interrupt polarity – active high interrupt lines. - Serial clock polarity – low serial-clock polarity directly after reset. - Serial clock phase – capture on first edge of serial-clock directly after reset.
  • Register block for various chip control signals
  • Testbench manager. Allows the programmer to know what platform their software is running on.
  • Controls time and alarms time is a 64 bit value indicating the time in usec since power-on timeh is the top 32 bits of time & timel is the bottom 32 bits to change time write to timelw before timehw to read time read from timelr before timehr An alarm is set by setting alarm_enable and writing to the corresponding alarm register When an alarm is pending, the corresponding alarm_running signal will be high An alarm can be cancelled before it has finished by clearing the alarm_enable When an alarm fires, the corresponding alarm_irq is set and alarm_running is cleared To clear the interrupt write a 1 to the corresponding alarm_irq
  • USB FS/LS controller device registers
  • DPRAM layout for USB device.
  • control and status for on-chip voltage regulator and chip level reset subsystem
  • QSPI flash execute-in-place block
  • Controls the crystal oscillator