






Module responses



  • MLME ASSOCIATE Confirm used to inform of the initiating device whether its request to associate was successful or unsuccessful
  • MLME CALIBRATE Confirm which reports the result of a request to the PHY to provide internal propagation path information
  • MCPS DATA Confirm which will be used for reporting the results of MAC data related requests from the application
  • MLME DISASSOCIATE Confirm used to send disassociation Confirmation to the application.
  • MLME DPS Confirm which reports the results of the attempt to enable or disable the DPS
  • MLME GET Confirm which requests information about a given PIB attribute
  • MLME GTS Confirm which eports the results of a request to allocate a new GTS or to deallocate an existing GTS
  • MLME POLL Confirm which is used to report the result of a request to poll the coordinator for data
  • MCPS PURGE Confirm which will be used by the MAC to notify the application of the status of its request to purge an MSDU from the transaction queue
  • MLME RESET Confirm which is used to report the results of the reset operation
  • MLME RX ENABLE Confirm which is used to report the results of the attempt to enable or disable the receiver
  • MLME SCAN Confirm which is used to report the result of the channel scan request
  • MLME SET Confirm which reports the result of an attempt to write a value to a PIB attribute
  • MLME SOUNDING Confirm which reports the result of a request to the PHY to provide channel sounding information
  • MLME START Confirm which is used to report the results of the attempt to start using a new superframe configuration