





pub unsafe fn sd_ble_uuid_vs_remove(p_uuid_type: *mut u8) -> u32
Expand description

@brief Remove a Vendor Specific base UUID.

@details This call removes a Vendor Specific base UUID that has been added with @ref sd_ble_uuid_vs_add. This function allows the application to reuse memory allocated for Vendor Specific base UUIDs.

@note Currently this function can only be called with a p_uuid_type set to @ref BLE_UUID_TYPE_UNKNOWN or the last added UUID type.

@param[inout] p_uuid_type Pointer to a uint8_t where its value matches the UUID type in @ref ble_uuid_t::type to be removed. If the type is set to @ref BLE_UUID_TYPE_UNKNOWN, or the pointer is NULL, the last Vendor Specific base UUID will be removed. If the function returns successfully, the UUID type that was removed will be written back to @p p_uuid_type. If function returns with a failure, it contains the last type that is in use by the ATT Server.

@retval ::NRF_SUCCESS Successfully removed the Vendor Specific base UUID. @retval ::NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR If p_uuid_type is invalid. @retval ::NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM If p_uuid_type points to a non-valid UUID type. @retval ::NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN If the Vendor Specific base UUID is in use by the ATT Server.