Minimum duration between edge of CSN and edge of SCK. When SHORTS.END_START is used, this is also the minimum duration CSN must stay high between transactions.
Polarity of CSN output
DCX configuration
Enable SPIM
Disable interrupt
Configure individual match events
Byte transmitted after TXD.MAXCNT bytes have been transmitted in the case when RXD.MAXCNT is greater than TXD.MAXCNT
The prescaler is used to set the SPI frequency.
Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event.
EasyDMA list type
Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer
Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected.
Sample delay for input serial data on MISO
Shortcuts between local events and tasks
Configuration register
Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event.
EasyDMA list type
Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer
Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected.