





Struct stm32_metapac::usb::regs::Epr

pub struct Epr(pub u32);
Expand description

endpoint/channel 0 register

Tuple Fields§

§0: u32



impl Epr

pub const fn ea(&self) -> u8

endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction.

pub fn set_ea(&mut self, val: u8)

endpoint/channel address Device mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint. Host mode Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the channel addressed by the host transaction.

pub const fn stat_tx(&self) -> Stat

Status bits, for transmission transfers Device mode These bits contain the information about the endpoint status, listed in . These bits can be toggled by the software to initialize their value. When the application software writes ’0, the value remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. Hardware sets the STTX bits to NAK, when a correct transfer has occurred (VTTX=1) corresponding to a IN or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this channel/endpoint. It then waits for the software to prepare the next set of data to be transmitted. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which controls the status based on buffer availability condition (Refer to endpoints). If the endpoint is defined as Isochronous, its status can only be VALID or DISABLED. Therefore, the hardware cannot change the status of the channel/endpoint/channel after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STTX bits to STALL or NAK for an Isochronous channel/endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing ’1. Host mode Same as STRX behaviour but for IN transactions (TBC)

pub fn set_stat_tx(&mut self, val: Stat)

Status bits, for transmission transfers Device mode These bits contain the information about the endpoint status, listed in . These bits can be toggled by the software to initialize their value. When the application software writes ’0, the value remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. Hardware sets the STTX bits to NAK, when a correct transfer has occurred (VTTX=1) corresponding to a IN or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this channel/endpoint. It then waits for the software to prepare the next set of data to be transmitted. Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which controls the status based on buffer availability condition (Refer to endpoints). If the endpoint is defined as Isochronous, its status can only be VALID or DISABLED. Therefore, the hardware cannot change the status of the channel/endpoint/channel after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STTX bits to STALL or NAK for an Isochronous channel/endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing ’1. Host mode Same as STRX behaviour but for IN transactions (TBC)

pub const fn dtog_tx(&self) -> bool

Data Toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint. If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to ) If the endpoint/channel is Isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to ). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for Isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes ’0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1.

pub fn set_dtog_tx(&mut self, val: bool)

Data Toggle, for transmission transfers If the endpoint/channel is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet transmission. If the endpoint/channel is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint. If the endpoint/channel is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to ) If the endpoint/channel is Isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to ). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet transmission, since no handshake is used for Isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint/channel is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes ’0, the value of DTOGTX remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1.

pub const fn ctr_tx(&self) -> bool

Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written. Host mode Same of VTRX behaviour but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions.

pub fn set_ctr_tx(&mut self, val: bool)

Valid USB transaction transmitted Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written. Host mode Same of VTRX behaviour but for USB OUT and SETUP transactions.

pub const fn ep_kind(&self) -> bool

endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the EP_TYPE bits. summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Double-buffered endpoints. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK. This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required.

pub fn set_ep_kind(&mut self, val: bool)

endpoint/channel kind The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint/channel type configured by the EP_TYPE bits. summarizes the different meanings. DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Double-buffered endpoints. STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are answered STALL instead of ACK. This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of bytes, as required.

pub const fn ep_type(&self) -> EpType

USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in endpoint/channel type encoding on page 2001. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral will not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet will be accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of Isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in transfers

pub fn set_ep_type(&mut self, val: EpType)

USB type of transaction These bits configure the behavior of this endpoint/channel as described in endpoint/channel type encoding on page 2001. Channel0/Endpoint0 must always be a control endpoint/channel and each USB function must have at least one control endpoint/channel which has address 0, but there may be other control channels/endpoints if required. Only control channels/endpoints handle SETUP transactions, which are ignored by endpoints of other kinds. SETUP transactions cannot be answered with NAK or STALL. If a control endpoint/channel is defined as NAK, the USB peripheral will not answer, simulating a receive error, in the receive direction when a SETUP transaction is received. If the control endpoint/channel is defined as STALL in the receive direction, then the SETUP packet will be accepted anyway, transferring data and issuing the CTR interrupt. The reception of OUT transactions is handled in the normal way, even if the endpoint/channel is a control one. Bulk and interrupt endpoints have very similar behavior and they differ only in the special feature available using the EPKIND configuration bit. The usage of Isochronous channels/endpoints is explained in transfers

pub const fn setup(&self) -> bool

Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated.

pub fn set_setup(&mut self, val: bool)

Setup transaction completed Device mode This bit is read-only and it is set by the hardware when the last completed transaction is a SETUP. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It must be examined, in the case of a successful receive transaction (VTRX event), to determine the type of transaction occurred. To protect the interrupt service routine from the changes in SETUP bits due to next incoming tokens, this bit is kept frozen while VTRX bit is at 1; its state changes when VTRX is at 0. This bit is read-only. Host mode This bit is set by the software to send a SETUP transaction on a control endpoint. This bit changes its value only for control endpoints. It is cleared by hardware when the SETUP transaction is acknowledged and VTTX interrupt generated.

pub const fn stat_rx(&self) -> Stat

Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Reception status encoding on page 2000.These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes ’0, the value remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. Hardware sets the STRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX=1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledge a new transaction Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to endpoints). If the endpoint is defined as Isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED, so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STRX bits to ’STALL or ’NAK for an Isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing ’1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the Host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it will be regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID An Host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the Host Frame Schedure to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel will be re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application should not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate.

pub fn set_stat_rx(&mut self, val: Stat)

Status bits, for reception transfers Device mode These bits contain information about the endpoint status, which are listed in Reception status encoding on page 2000.These bits can be toggled by software to initialize their value. When the application software writes ’0, the value remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. Hardware sets the STRX bits to NAK when a correct transfer has occurred (VTRX=1) corresponding to a OUT or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint, so the software has the time to elaborate the received data before it acknowledge a new transaction Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which control the status based upon buffer availability condition (Refer to endpoints). If the endpoint is defined as Isochronous, its status can be only VALID or DISABLED, so that the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful transaction. If the software sets the STRX bits to ’STALL or ’NAK for an Isochronous endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can be only toggled by writing ’1. Host mode These bits are the host application controls to start, retry, or abort host transactions driven by the channel. These bits also contain information about the device answer to the last IN channel transaction and report the current status of the channel according to the following STRX table of states: - DISABLE DISABLE value is reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a single-buffer channel. When in DISABLE state the channel is unused or not active waiting for application to restart it by writing VALID. Application can reset a VALID channel to DISABLE to abort a transaction. In this case the transaction is immediately removed from the Host execution list. If the aborted transaction was already under execution it will be regularly terminated on the USB but the relative VTRX interrupt is not generated. - VALID An Host channel is actively trying to submit USB transaction to device only when in VALID state.VALID state can be set by software or automatically by hardware on a NAKED channel at the start of a new frame. When set to VALID, an host channel enters the host execution queue and waits permission from the Host Frame Schedure to submit its configured transaction. VALID value is also reported in case of ACK acknowledge is received on a double-buffered channel. In this case the channel remains active on the alternate buffer while application needs to read the current buffer and toggle DTOGTX. In case software is late in reading and the alternate buffer is not ready, the host channel is automatically suspended transparently to the application. The suspended double buffered channel will be re-activated as soon as delay is recovered and DTOGTX is toggled. - NAK NAK value is reported in case of NAK acknowledge received. When in NAK state the channel is suspended and does not try to transmit. NAK state is moved to VALID by hardware at the start of the next frame, or software can change it to immediately retry transmission by writing it to VALID, or can disable it and abort the transaction by writing DISABLE - STALL STALL value is reported in case of STALL acknowledge received. When in STALL state the channel behaves as disabled. Application should not retry transmission but reset the USB and re-enumerate.

pub const fn dtog_rx(&self) -> bool

Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not Isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device) or acknowledged by device (in host). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to ). If the endpoint/channel is Isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Isochronous transfers). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes ’0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1.

pub fn set_dtog_rx(&mut self, val: bool)

Data Toggle, for reception transfers If the endpoint/channel is not Isochronous, this bit contains the expected value of the data toggle bit (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for the next data packet to be received. Hardware toggles this bit, when the ACK handshake is sent following a data packet reception having a matching data PID value; if the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware clears this bit at the reception of a SETUP PID received from host (in device) or acknowledged by device (in host). If the endpoint/channel is using the double-buffering feature this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping too (Refer to ). If the endpoint/channel is Isochronous, this bit is used only to support packet buffer swapping for data transmission since no data toggling is used for this kind of channels/endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer to Isochronous transfers). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data packet reception, since no handshake is used for isochronous transfers. This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the endpoint is not a control one) or to force specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When the application software writes ’0, the value of DTOGRX remains unchanged, while writing ’1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can be only toggled by writing 1.

pub const fn ctr_rx(&self) -> bool

USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the VTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STRX field of this register. One naked transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the Host at the next frame, or the Host can immediately retry by resetting STRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect.

pub fn set_ctr_rx(&mut self, val: bool)

USB valid transaction received Device mode This bit is set by the hardware when an OUT/SETUP transaction is successfully completed on this endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related interrupt condition, which is always activated. The type of occurred transaction, OUT or SETUP, can be determined from the SETUP bit described below. A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect. Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the VTRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated. - A transaction ended with a NAK sets this bit and NAK answer is reported to application reading the NAK state from the STRX field of this register. One naked transaction keeps pending and is automatically retried by the Host at the next frame, or the Host can immediately retry by resetting STRX state to VALID. - A transaction ended by STALL handshake sets this bit and the STALL answer is reported to application reading the STALL state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should consequently disable the channel and re-enumerate. - A transaction ended with ACK handshake sets this bit If double buffering is disabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading the DISABLE state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should read received data from USBRAM and re-arm the channel by writing VALID to the STRX field of this register. If double buffering is enabled, ACK answer is reported by application reading VALID state from the STRX field of this register. Host application should read received data from USBRAM and toggle the DTOGTX bit of this register. This bit is read/write but only ’0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect.

pub const fn devaddr(&self) -> u8

Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process.

pub fn set_devaddr(&mut self, val: u8)

Host mode Device address assigned to the endpoint during the enumeration process.

pub const fn nak(&self) -> bool

Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can be use this bit to monitoring the number of NAKs received from a device.

pub fn set_nak(&mut self, val: bool)

Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when a device responds with a NAK. Software can be use this bit to monitoring the number of NAKs received from a device.

pub const fn ls_ep(&self) -> bool

Low speed endpoint Host with HUB only Host mode This bit is set by the software to send an LS transaction to the corresponding endpoint.

pub fn set_ls_ep(&mut self, val: bool)

Low speed endpoint Host with HUB only Host mode This bit is set by the software to send an LS transaction to the corresponding endpoint.

pub const fn err_tx(&self) -> bool

Transmit error Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (e.g. no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated.

pub fn set_err_tx(&mut self, val: bool)

Transmit error Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (e.g. no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an OUT or SETUP transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated.

pub const fn err_rx(&self) -> bool

Receive error Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (e.g. no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated.

pub fn set_err_rx(&mut self, val: bool)

Receive error Host mode This bit is set by the hardware when an error (e.g. no answer by the device, CRC error, bit stuffing error, framing format violation, etc.) has occurred during an IN transaction on this channel. The software can only clear this bit. If the ERRM bit in USB_CNTR register is set a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the channel related flag, which is always activated.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Epr


fn clone(&self) -> Epr

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Epr


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Epr


fn default() -> Epr

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl PartialEq for Epr


fn eq(&self, other: &Epr) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Copy for Epr


impl Eq for Epr


impl StructuralPartialEq for Epr

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Epr


impl RefUnwindSafe for Epr


impl Send for Epr


impl Sync for Epr


impl Unpin for Epr


impl UnwindSafe for Epr

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.