MLME ASSOCIATE Request used to request an association
MLME ASSOCIATE Response used to initiate a response to an MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication
MLME CALIBRATE request primitive which used to obtain the results of a ranging
calibration request from an RDEV
MCPS DATA Request used for MAC data related requests from the application
MLME DISASSOCIATE Request sed to request a disassociation
MLME DPS Request allows the next higher layer to request that the PHY utilize a
given pair of preamble codes for a single use pending expiration of the DPSIndexDuration
MLME GET Request used to request a PIB value
MLME GTS Request used to request and maintain GTSs
MLME ORPHAN Response used to respond to the MLME ORPHAN Indication
MLME POLL Request propmts the device to request data from the coordinator
for MCPS PURGE Request used to purge an MSDU from the transaction queue
MLME RX ENABLE Request used to request that the receiver is either enabled
for a finite period of time or disabled
MLME SCAN Request used to initiate a channel scan over a given list of channels
MLME SET Request used to attempt to write the given value to the indicated PIB attribute
MLME SOUNDING request primitive which is used by the next higher layer to request that
the PHY respond with channel sounding information
MLME START Request used by the FFDs to intiate a new PAN or to begin using a new superframe
MLME SYNC Request used to synchronize with the coordinator by acquiring and, if
specified, tracking its beacons