





pub struct Dsihost { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

DSI Host.



impl Dsihost

pub const unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut ()) -> Self

pub const fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut ()

pub const fn vr(self) -> Reg<Vr, RW>

DSI Host version register.

pub const fn cr(self) -> Reg<Cr, RW>

DSI Host control register.

pub const fn ccr(self) -> Reg<Ccr, RW>

DSI Host clock control register.

pub const fn lvcidr(self) -> Reg<Lvcidr, RW>

DSI Host LTDC VCID register.

pub const fn lcolcr(self) -> Reg<Lcolcr, RW>

DSI Host LTDC color coding register.

pub const fn lpcr(self) -> Reg<Lpcr, RW>

DSI Host LTDC polarity configuration register.

pub const fn lpmcr(self) -> Reg<Lpmcr, RW>

DSI Host low-power mode configuration register.

pub const fn pcr(self) -> Reg<Pcr, RW>

DSI Host protocol configuration register.

pub const fn gvcidr(self) -> Reg<Gvcidr, RW>

DSI Host generic VCID register.

pub const fn mcr(self) -> Reg<Mcr, RW>

DSI Host mode configuration register.

pub const fn vmcr(self) -> Reg<Vmcr, RW>

DSI Host video mode configuration register.

pub const fn vpcr(self) -> Reg<Vpcr, RW>

DSI Host video packet configuration register.

pub const fn vccr(self) -> Reg<Vccr, RW>

DSI Host video chunks configuration register.

pub const fn vnpcr(self) -> Reg<Vnpcr, RW>

DSI Host video null packet configuration register.

pub const fn vhsacr(self) -> Reg<Vhsacr, RW>

DSI Host video HSA configuration register.

pub const fn vhbpcr(self) -> Reg<Vhbpcr, RW>

DSI Host video HBP configuration register.

pub const fn vlcr(self) -> Reg<Vlcr, RW>

DSI Host video line configuration register.

pub const fn vvsacr(self) -> Reg<Vvsacr, RW>

DSI Host video VSA configuration register.

pub const fn vvbpcr(self) -> Reg<Vvbpcr, RW>

DSI Host video VBP configuration register.

pub const fn vvfpcr(self) -> Reg<Vvfpcr, RW>

DSI Host video VFP configuration register.

pub const fn vvacr(self) -> Reg<Vvacr, RW>

DSI Host video VA configuration register.

pub const fn lccr(self) -> Reg<Lccr, RW>

DSI Host LTDC command configuration register.

pub const fn cmcr(self) -> Reg<Cmcr, RW>

DSI Host command mode configuration register.

pub const fn ghcr(self) -> Reg<Ghcr, RW>

DSI Host generic header configuration register.

pub const fn gpdr(self) -> Reg<Gpdr, RW>

DSI Host generic payload data register.

pub const fn gpsr(self) -> Reg<Gpsr, RW>

DSI Host generic packet status register.

pub const fn tccr0(self) -> Reg<Tccr0, RW>

DSI Host timeout counter configuration register 0.

pub const fn tccr1(self) -> Reg<Tccr1, RW>

DSI Host timeout counter configuration register 1.

pub const fn tccr2(self) -> Reg<Tccr2, RW>

DSI Host timeout counter configuration register 2.

pub const fn tccr3(self) -> Reg<Tccr3, RW>

DSI Host timeout counter configuration register 3.

pub const fn tccr4(self) -> Reg<Tccr4, RW>

DSI Host timeout counter configuration register 4.

pub const fn tccr5(self) -> Reg<Tccr5, RW>

DSI Host timeout counter configuration register 5.

pub const fn clcr(self) -> Reg<Clcr, RW>

DSI Host clock lane configuration register.

pub const fn cltcr(self) -> Reg<Cltcr, RW>

DSI Host clock lane timer configuration register.

pub const fn dltcr(self) -> Reg<Dltcr, RW>

DSI Host data lane timer configuration register.

pub const fn pctlr(self) -> Reg<Pctlr, RW>

DSI Host PHY control register.

pub const fn pconfr(self) -> Reg<Pconfr, RW>

DSI Host PHY configuration register.

pub const fn pucr(self) -> Reg<Pucr, RW>

DSI Host PHY ULPS control register.

pub const fn pttcr(self) -> Reg<Pttcr, RW>

DSI Host PHY TX triggers configuration register.

pub const fn psr(self) -> Reg<Psr, RW>

DSI Host PHY status register.

pub const fn isr0(self) -> Reg<Isr0, RW>

DSI Host interrupt and status register 0.

pub const fn isr1(self) -> Reg<Isr1, RW>

DSI Host interrupt and status register 1.

pub const fn ier0(self) -> Reg<Ier0, RW>

DSI Host interrupt enable register 0.

pub const fn ier1(self) -> Reg<Ier1, RW>

DSI Host interrupt enable register 1.

pub const fn fir0(self) -> Reg<Fir0, RW>

DSI Host force interrupt register 0.

pub const fn fir1(self) -> Reg<Fir1, RW>

DSI Host force interrupt register 1.

pub const fn dltrcr(self) -> Reg<Dltrcr, RW>

DSI Host data lane timer read configuration register.

pub const fn vscr(self) -> Reg<Vscr, RW>

DSI Host video shadow control register.

pub const fn lcvcidr(self) -> Reg<Lcvcidr, RW>

DSI Host LTDC current VCID register.

pub const fn lcccr(self) -> Reg<Lcccr, RW>

DSI Host LTDC current color coding register.

pub const fn lpmccr(self) -> Reg<Lpmccr, RW>

DSI Host low-power mode current configuration register.

pub const fn vmccr(self) -> Reg<Vmccr, RW>

DSI Host video mode current configuration register.

pub const fn vpccr(self) -> Reg<Vpccr, RW>

DSI Host video packet current configuration register.

pub const fn vcccr(self) -> Reg<Vcccr, RW>

DSI Host video chunks current configuration register.

pub const fn vnpccr(self) -> Reg<Vnpccr, RW>

DSI Host video null packet current configuration register.

pub const fn vhsaccr(self) -> Reg<Vhsaccr, RW>

DSI Host video HSA current configuration register.

pub const fn vhbpccr(self) -> Reg<Vhbpccr, RW>

DSI Host video HBP current configuration register.

pub const fn vlccr(self) -> Reg<Vlccr, RW>

DSI Host video line current configuration register.

pub const fn vvsaccr(self) -> Reg<Vvsaccr, RW>

DSI Host video VSA current configuration register.

pub const fn vvbpccr(self) -> Reg<Vvbpccr, RW>

DSI Host video VBP current configuration register.

pub const fn vvfpccr(self) -> Reg<Vvfpccr, RW>

DSI Host video VFP current configuration register.

pub const fn vvaccr(self) -> Reg<Vvaccr, RW>

DSI Host video VA current configuration register.

pub const fn fbsr(self) -> Reg<Fbsr, RW>

DSI Host FIFO and buffer status register.

pub const fn wcfgr(self) -> Reg<Wcfgr, RW>

DSI Wrapper configuration register.

pub const fn wcr(self) -> Reg<Wcr, RW>

DSI Wrapper control register.

pub const fn wier(self) -> Reg<Wier, RW>

DSI Wrapper interrupt enable register.

pub const fn wisr(self) -> Reg<Wisr, RW>

DSI Wrapper interrupt and status register.

pub const fn wifcr(self) -> Reg<Wifcr, RW>

DSI Wrapper interrupt flag clear register.

pub const fn wpcr0(self) -> Reg<Wpcr0, RW>

DSI Wrapper PHY configuration register 0.

pub const fn wrpcr(self) -> Reg<Wrpcr, RW>

DSI Wrapper regulator and PLL control register.

pub const fn bcfgr(self) -> Reg<Bcfgr, RW>

DSI bias configuration register.

pub const fn dpcbcr(self) -> Reg<Dpcbcr, RW>

DSI D-PHY clock band control register.

pub const fn dpcsrcr(self) -> Reg<Dpcsrcr, RW>

DSI D-PHY clock skew rate control register.

pub const fn dpdl0bcr(self) -> Reg<Dpdl0bcr, RW>

DSI D-PHY data lane 0 band control register.

pub const fn dpdl0srcr(self) -> Reg<Dpdl0srcr, RW>

DSI D-PHY data lane 0 skew rate control register.

pub const fn dpdl1bcr(self) -> Reg<Dpdl1bcr, RW>

DSI D-PHY data lane 1 band control register.

pub const fn dpdl1srcr(self) -> Reg<Dpdl1srcr, RW>

DSI D-PHY data lane 1 skew rate control register.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Dsihost


fn clone(&self) -> Dsihost

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl PartialEq for Dsihost


fn eq(&self, other: &Dsihost) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Copy for Dsihost


impl Eq for Dsihost


impl Send for Dsihost


impl StructuralEq for Dsihost


impl StructuralPartialEq for Dsihost


impl Sync for Dsihost

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.