Expand description
Configuration for FDCAN Module
- Data
BitTiming - Configures the data bit timings for the FdCan Variable Bitrates. This is not used when frame_transmit is set to anything other than AllowFdCanAndBRS.
- FdCan
Config - FdCan Config Struct
- Global
Filter - How to handle frames which do not match a specific filter
- Nominal
BitTiming - Configures the bit timings.
- Clock
Divider - Frame
Transmission Config - Configures which modes to use Individual headers can contain a desire to be send via FdCan or use Bit rate switching. But if this general setting does not allow that, only classic CAN is used instead.
- NonMatching
Filter - How to handle frames in the global filter
- Timestamp
Prescaler - Prescaler of the Timestamp counter
- Timestamp
Source - Selects the source of the Timestamp counter
- TxBuffer
Mode - TX buffer operation mode